[1]李 霜,贾梦滢,尤朝香,等.基于CiteSpace的中低位直肠癌保肛术后盆底肌功能研究热点的可视化分析[J].医学信息,2022,35(22):40-48,54.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-1959.2022.22.007]
 LI Shuang,JIA Meng-ying,YOU Chao-xiang,et al.Visualization Analysis of Research Hotspots of Pelvic Floor Muscle Function After Anus-preserving Surgery for Middle and Low Rectal Cancer Based on CiteSpace[J].Journal of Medical Information,2022,35(22):40-48,54.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-1959.2022.22.007]





Visualization Analysis of Research Hotspots of Pelvic Floor Muscle Function After Anus-preserving Surgery for Middle and Low Rectal Cancer Based on CiteSpace
李 霜贾梦滢尤朝香
(川北医学院附属医院胃肠外科,四川 南充 637000)
LI ShuangJIA Meng-yingYOU Chao-xianget al.
(Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery,Affiliated Hospital of North Sichuan Medical College,Nanchong 637000,Sichuan,China)
中低位直肠癌盆底肌Web of Science知识图谱
Medium and low rectal cancerPelvic floor muscleWeb of ScienceKnowledge map
目的 基于CiteSpace分析国内外中低位直肠癌保肛术后盆底肌功能的研究现状及发展趋势,为该领域进一步研究与应用提供参考。方法 在Web of Science及中国知网(CNKI)数据库中检索2002年1月1日-2021年12月31日有关中低位直肠癌保肛术后盆底肌功能的相关文献,英文检索词为“rectal cancer”“defecation”“urination”“sexual function”“pelvic floor muscles”“anorectal”,中文检索词为“中低位直肠癌”“排便”“排尿”“性功能”“盆底肌”“低位前切除综合征”,运用CiteSpace对发文国家、发文量、研究机构、关键词、文献共被引等进行分析。结果 分别纳入1004篇、964篇中英文文献,该领域国内外发文量大体呈现上升趋势;国家方面,位于前10位的国家除中国和土耳其以外,其余均为欧美发达国家,其中美国的发文量最大;机构和作者方面,在国外,研究机构多为高校,且基金支持力度较大,大部分研究者组建了自己的研究团队,有较紧密的合作网络,在我国研究机构多为高校、附属医院及综合医院,研究机构多样,但基金支持力度不足,且研究者合作网络较为局限,具有一定的地域性;关键词方面,国外较早关注盆底肌损伤与生物反馈治疗,研究热点集中于患者术后生活质量尤其是性生活功能上,并不断探寻影响盆底肌的因素、盆腔自主神经的保护方式,国内则关注较晚,更多是探寻中低位直肠癌如何进行保肛以此提升患者生活质量,并不断改善手术方式,后期逐渐关注患者术后排便状况,不断寻求盆底肌康复训练方式。结论 近20年对中低位直肠癌保肛术后盆底肌研究呈现逐年上升趋势,研究方向主要以盆腔自主神经保护和盆底肌康复训练模式为主,在该领域机器人手术、医学可视化、生物反馈治疗会是未来一段时间的研究热点。国内应外加强合作交流,构建不同地区的机构合作网络,寻求多中心、大样本、跨学科的研究,构建团队协作网络,以此推动国内外在该领域更深层次和更广维度的研究。
Objective To analyze the research status and development trend of pelvic floor muscle function after anus-preserving surgery for middle and low rectal cancer at home and abroad based on CiteSpace, and to provide reference for further research and application in this field.Methods Relevant literatures on pelvic floor muscle function after sphincter-preserving surgery for middle and low rectal cancer from January 1, 2002 to December 31, 2021 were searched in Web of Science and CNKI databases. The search terms were “rectal cancer”“defecation”“urination” “sexual function”“pelvic floor muscles”“anorectal” in English and “mid-low rectal cancer”“defecation”“urination“sexual function”“pelvic floor muscles”“low anterior resection syndrome” in Chinese. CiteSpace was used to analyze the country, volume, research institutions, keywords and literature co-citation.Results In terms of countries, except for China and Turkey, the top ten countries are all developed countries in Europe and the United States, among which the United States has the largest number of publications; in terms of institutions and authors, in foreign countries, most research institutions are universities, and fund support is strong, and most researchers have formed their own research teams and have a relatively In China, the research institutions are mostly universities, hospitals and general hospitals, and the research institutions are diverse, but the fund support is not strong enough, and the researcher’s cooperation network is more limited, with a certain degree of geography; in terms of key words, foreign countries have focused on pelvic floor muscle injury and biofeedback treatment earlier, and the research hotspots focus on patients’ postoperative quality of life, especially sexual function, and continue to explore the factors affecting the pelvic floor muscle, the pelvic autonomic nerve, and the pelvic autonomic nerve. In China, the focus has been more on how to preserve the anus to improve the quality of life of patients with low to medium rectal cancer, and to improve the surgical approach.Conclusion In the past 20 years, the research on pelvic floor muscle after anus-preserving surgery for middle and low rectal cancer has been increasing year by year. The research direction is mainly based on pelvic autonomic nerve protection and pelvic floor muscle rehabilitation training mode. In this field, robotic surgery, medical visualization and biofeedback therapy will be research hotspots in the future. We should strengthen cooperation and exchanges at home and abroad, build institutional cooperation networks in different regions, seek multi-center, large sample, interdisciplinary research, and build a team cooperation network, so as to promote deeper and broader research in this field at home and abroad.


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