[1]张 山,彭婷婷,邓 珣,等.不同饮酒类型对中老年人身体功能和抑郁发展轨迹的影响[J].医学信息,2024,37(13):32-37,48.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-1959.2024.13.006]
 Influence of Different Types of Alcohol Consumption on Trajectory of Physical Function and Depression Among Middle-aged and Elderly Individuals.Influence of Different Types of Alcohol Consumption on Trajectory of Physical Function and Depression Among Middle-aged and Elderly Individuals[J].Journal of Medical Information,2024,37(13):32-37,48.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-1959.2024.13.006]





Influence of Different Types of Alcohol Consumption on Trajectory of Physical Function and Depression Among Middle-aged and Elderly Individuals
张 山彭婷婷邓 珣
(1.首都医科大学护理学院,北京 100069;2.首都医科大学附属北京安贞医院心外监护室,北京 100029)
Influence of Different Types of Alcohol Consumption on Trajectory of Physical Function and Depression Among Middle-aged and Elderly Individuals
(1.School of Nursing,Capital Medical University,Beijing 100069,China;2.Cardiac Surgery ICU,Beijing Anzhen Hospital,Capital Medical University,Beijing 100029,China)
Middle-aged and elderlyTypes of alcoholPhysical functionDepressionTrajectory
目的 分析饮酒类型与身体功能和抑郁发展轨迹的关系。方法 基于2011-2018年中国健康与养老追踪调查数据,纳入8863名参与4次调查的中老年人,评价2011年纳入人群饮酒类型,包括烈性酒、啤酒或葡萄酒等;2011-2018年身体功能状况通过ADL和IADL评估,ADL或IADL障碍定义为总分≥1分;抑郁由简版流行病学研究中心抑郁量表(CES-D)进行评估。采用Logistic回归分析饮酒类型与身体功能和抑郁轨迹关联性。结果 共8863人纳入最终分析,平均年龄为57.99岁,男性占42.60%,17.10%喝啤酒,9.16%喝啤酒,3.28%喝红酒。4次调查中,ADL障碍发生率分别为22.12%、22.31%、28.83%和28.81%;IADL障碍发生率分别为19.70%、19.32%、24.04%和28.33%;抑郁发生率分别为39.13%、34.54%、37.43%和41.96%。与不饮酒人群相比,烈酒能降低15%抑郁(2013年)发生风险(OR=0.85,95%CI:0.74~0.97);啤酒能降低22%ADL障碍(2013年)发生风险(OR=0.78,95%CI:0.61~0.99);红酒对抑郁(2011年)发生具有一定保护作用(OR=0.73,95%CI:0.55~0.97)。结论 饮用烈酒和红酒在一定时间内是抑郁发生率的保护因素、饮用啤酒是ADL障碍的保护因素,应权衡饮酒潜在的好处和风险,并且为中老年人推荐适当的饮酒习惯,以维持其身体功能和降低抑郁症状,促进积极老龄化。
Objective To analyze the relationship between types of alcohol consumption and trajectory of physical function and depression.Methods Based on the data of China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study from 2011 to 2018, 8863 middle-aged and elderly people who participated in four surveys were included to evaluate the drinking types of the included population in 2011, including hard liquor, beer or wine. The physical function status was assessed by ADL and IADL from 2011 to 2018. ADL or IADL disorder was defined as a total score of≥1; depression was assessed by the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D). Logistic regression was used to analyze the correlation between drinking type and trajectory of physical function and depression.Results A total of 8863 samples were included in the final analysis, the mean age was 57.99 years old, 42.60% were male, 17.10% drank spirit, 9.16% drank beer, and 3.28% drank wine. In four surveys, the incidence of ADL impairment was 22.12%, 22.31%, 28.83% and 28.81%, respectively; the incidence of IADL impairment was 19.70%, 19.32%, 24.04% and 28.33%, respectively; the incidence of depression was 39.13%, 34.54%, 37.43% and 41.96%, respectively. Compared with non-drinkers, intake of hard liquor could reduce the risk of depression by 15% (OR=0.85, 95%CI: 0.74-0.97) in 2013; intake of beer could reduce the risk of ADL impairment by 22% (OR=0.78, 95%CI: 0.61-0.99) in 2013; intake of wine had a protective effect on depression in 2011 (OR=0.73, 95%CI: 0.55-0.97).Conclusion The consumption of hard liquor or wine is a protective factor for the incidence of depression over a certain period of time, and beer consumption is a protective factor for ADL impairment. The potential benefits and risks of alcohol consumption should be weighed, and appropriate drinking habits should be recommended for middle-aged and elderly people to maintain physical function and reduce depressive symptoms, and promote active aging.


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